Friday, December 10, 2010


Our two week vacation is coming to a close. We've been visiting family in Florida and it's been AWESOME! But the internet sucks here and we've been too busy having fun for me to make time to post... but posts and pictures coming soon! As long as we make it back to [a snow covered] Ohio soon... Happy Friday!

Saturday, November 20, 2010


...will I attempt a wreath like this. Haha It seriously took me 3 days.

But it's done! And I'll admit, it's pretty cute...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas crafts, already?

Yes. Already. I've been admiring Rachel's (@ smileandwave ) wreaths since I started reading her blog so I decided to make one this year. I'm thinking it was less of a great idea than I thought. It's a lot of stinkin' work! Seriously, who would have thought wrapping yarn around foam could take so long and be so tiring.... Maybe I'm just lacking patience this evening. It'll probably be cute when I'm done... That is- if I finish it.

I think I have some Christmas buttons that I got on clearance a couple years ago somewhere. I should find them...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Crafty Birthday Things

I get so frustrated with my camera strap because it's so short. I looked and looked for one on ETSY and found some that I loved, but none of them were any longer. So, I decided to make one myself. This one I made for my step-mom for her bday. She loves leopard. It's the carpet in our studio. And she loves that yellowish mustard color, so she got a strap that matches our studio and I made her a knee pad with the left over material. I think these are one of my favorite things I've made. Now I'm excited to make my own- if I ever find the time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanks, Ben

November is full of birthdays, trips and of course food for us. I've been working on some birthday crafting (pictures later) and trying to help my mother-in-law get her house in order (vintage stuff for meee! also pictures to come...) so her boyfriend can move in.

On top of everything else the little stinker has been sleeping so horribly since Daylight Savings. I don't think it's because of it, maybe more likely teething... but still... He's slept a total of about 2 hours since 7:30 this morning. He usually takes 3 or 4 2 or so hour naps a day! Plus he's been waking up at like 6 instead of 8:30-9 since then. I'm still waiting on that extra hour I was promised. Thanks for nothing, Ben Franklin... thanks for nothing.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

We've been celebrating all week. We started out with a trip to a farm for pumpkins, we carved them (mine had leaves all over it) and made caramel apples (they were awesome!) and went trunk-or-treating. J was a garden gnome.

Holidays are just kind of whatever for me, but I think they're going to be way more fun with the little guy around to celebrate. Happy Halloween!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Oh, wait... It's 'cause you make me smile...

I've been trying to find more time to craft lately. I hope to do some craft shows next summer but at this rate I'll have to wait about three more years! It seems like there's always something more important I should be doing.
Here are some of J's buddies...

I made this pom-pom garland for his room awhile ago but it still hasn't made it's way in there yet.

And my (sick) little pumpkin head. (don't mind the eyes)
Speaking of crafting, I think I'll go start that painting I've been wanting to do for his room since... way before he was born. Slacker...

((Go listen to Kyle Andrews' "You Always Make Me Smile" immediately. It's been on replay in my head all daaaay.))

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Mmmm Carrots

J's been ready for baby food for a while now but I waited until he turned 4 months. We had some carrots first. He loved them. I could not get them in his mouth fast enough! Actually, he screamed between each bite. So funny. He really wanted to feed himself which made a pretty big mess. He's probably going to spend the next few months with an orange stained face but at least he liked it. He did the same thing with sweet potatoes. I need a little practice on avoiding the mess... I've just been waiting to give him a bath after I feed him. 4 months. So crazy. He's growing up too fast...

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Craftin' Outlaws

A couple weeks ago (despite my horrible back pain) we ventured to Columbus to go to the Craftin' Outlaw show. It was a pretty great weekend.

I got this super cute zipper pouch from Kuncklebaby, another pair of Knotty legs for the little one and I finally got him a teether necklace from Sprout Soup. And a few other things, too...

The husband got to spend some time in his favorite place...

And baby J had a nice time chillin' in his Tiny Toms and sweet shades. (wish I were as cool...)

Honestly, any weekend that we get out of town is great... this one may have been a little extra great, though...

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Down for the count

This ' back sprain' is kicking my butt! It's been over a week now and it still hurts so stinkin bad! Even more annoying considering I've been to the chiropractor twice and got x-rays. Lame! At least I can walk (looking like an idiot) now... Sitting is another story. I'm so thankful for my amazing husband. I was concerned about him taking care of J and everything by himself but he seriously has been unbelievable. Back to the chiro tomorrow... And craftin' Outlaws Saturday! I can't wait.
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Thursday, October 7, 2010

Breakfast In Bed

...and lunch and dinner and I'm still in bed. I have to admit, it sounded like a pretty great idea until last night when I pulled a muscle in my lower back and realized I literally couldn't move without near unbearable pain. Seriously... I didn't cry when I was giving birth but I sure did cry last night! Aside from getting up once to use the bathroom - I'm feeling a little better today thanks to my wonderful husband and some good drugs. I can at least lay on my side now. Hope I can walk tomorrow. Staying in bed all day does have one perk... Lots of cuddling!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.0

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I am totally slacking in the blog department! Man! Well, here's what's been on my mind lately...

1. I am getting old. I recently celebrated a birthday. (by recently I mean a month ago...) So, naturally...

New hair... (and no make-up, don't mind the photo)

Mom jeans. Yeah...
Favorite bakery.
Carrot cupcake. Yum.

And a lot of other great stuff. Thanks, Hub.

2. This little man is growing WAY too fast for his momma's liking. Three months, already! There's something fun and new everyday. Which is one reason I'm so mad at myself for slacking with the blog!
3. A is officially a college student again and a stay at home dad and we are having a great time with it. We've actually had some time to do things together, like cook.

Friend green tomatoes? Yes, please!

So, there we go. Fall is here and I need to start blogging again.

Monday, September 20, 2010

What's in my (diaper) bag?

And these are a few of my favorite things...!

I love seeing what's in everyone's bag. Maybe I'm nosy, but I think it's okay as long as I join in for all the other nosy people...

Here goes:
-Changing pad
-Sassy Saks (with baking soda)
-Diaper rags/burp clothes
-Hand Sanitizer
-Gripe Water (could not live without this!)
-Hyland's Teething Tablets
-Aquaphor Ointment
-Baby Tylenol
-Vitamin D
-Avent Bottle
-Formula Separator
-Tender Moments Baby Butt Balm
-Little gnome Pacifier Clip
-Change of clothes (Leg Warmers! I can't seem to find a site for the maker)
-Sophie (He LOVES Sophie. She's expensive, but worth it.)
-Vintage wooden teether (was at least mine, if not my moms!)
-At least one Momma made toy (Delores Turtle)
-A blanket
-Book for J
-Book for Momma
-Date book

More or less...

Papa got tired of carrying my bag so he got his own...

He adds:

-A cool dude handmade hat
-A different Momma made toy (Roland Bunny)
-Comic Books
-Game Boy Micro or DS

I've been searching for a vintage thermos, but haven't found one yet. I need something to keep water in. I can never seem to find a water bottle when I need one and the only reusable one I have is pink... So, the search continues...

I also want one of these beauties. Too girly for my handsome man? Maybe... plus I haven't been able to convince myself I want it '$25 bad'.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We're still here..

...we haven't gotten lost, honest. We've spent the last couple weeks staying with my great grandmother but tomorrow we're going home! I didn't expect to miss home so badly and I didn't realize I had so many little routine things through the day to miss. Tomorrow night I'll be sleeping in my own bed.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

A photo a day

Photo 19: What's for dinner at our house? Pork with onion and peppers, carrots, red skins and fresh bread. Mmm.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A photo a day

Photo(s) 15: Vintage baby. I had no hopes of finding any cool vintage baby clothes, but then I happened across this cute little outfit! There's a chance that this outfit could have been A's when he was a baby, as his aunt gave it to me in some hand-me-downs and she only has daughters... Either way, I like it. And the shoes were mine! My mom kept a lot of my baby clothes. Maybe someday J will have a little sister to wear them...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Rainbow Connection

I'm so completely exhausted from the last couple days that I don't even want to think enough load pictures to the computer... No photo today. Or yesterday because I worked ALL DAY and then went to Michael's memorial service and spent the rest of the evening with family and friends...

On to a couple happier notes, I think all the big changes I spoke of before are pretty much settled. Yay! I am back to working way too much (ugh) and A, he's a stay at home dad AND a college student! I'm pretty proud of him and really hope he does well and enjoys classes. Things are looking pretty positive right now.

J and I have been spending a lot of time jammin' to Kenny Loggins lately. Return To Pooh Corner has always been one of my favorites for bedtime and J is really starting to enjoy music. Anyway, when I saw the most beautiful rainbow this evening I immediately thought of the song 'Rainbow Connection' and haven't been able to get it out of my head since. I'm not tired of it yet... I did take some pictures of the rainbow--might add them tomorrow if they turned out.

We also saw a play this evening. J's first. Well... he actually slept through the entire thing... but he was super good and the play was great, too! It was Frog and Toad. We went with A's sister and her boyfriend and we all had a really nice time.

I'm so ready for bed. Baby J is in his bed, snoring away. He sounds like a bull frog. ((love))

Thursday, August 12, 2010

A photo a day

Photo 12: Goin' to the chapel.

Got this in the mail today! Couldn't wait to stick it in the frame and now I can't wait to give it! I kind of love it... I think I want one for myself.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

A photo a day

Photo 11: My sweet baby boy.
Some of my family came in town for my great grandmother's birthday this week so we headed to the studio to play with some new photo props. (My aunt is a photographer as well...) I wish we'd had more time, but we enjoyed what we had. I'm really looking forward to getting back in the studio and playing again.

J will be 2 whole months next week! I'm doing well so far with monthly photos, so I'll probably keep it up. He's growing so fast, I can't believe it, and I definitely don't want to miss it.

A photo a day

Forgive me, I'm late... But not for lack of taking pictures! I lost a dear friend to a car accident this Sunday... It is truly devastating to lose someone who has been such a great friend for so long. Especially at such a young age... (not that death is every easy...) I feel sure that he is in a better place.

[MTom, thank you for so many years of friendship and cherished memories. I hope you have found peace.]

With that said, here is our week thus far...


Photo 8: My sweet baby sister turned 7!

Photo 9: I'm sensing a theme... This guy was parked there on my speaker for several hours. I must have needed the luck...

Photo 10: J's Great-Great Granny turned 95 & I love that he got to spend it with her. >

Which catches us up. I'm hoping for a real post this evening, and better posts from now on. Time is so precious, I don't want to miss a memory.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Friday, August 6, 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

A photo a day

Almost missed a day!
Photo 5: A quilt I started months ago. Left over fabric from my wedding dress and A's pants (that ripped shortly after our wedding). I really want to finish it and I've been in the mood to quilt lately but I still haven't been motivated enough. Here's my attempt at self-motivation...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

A photo a day

Photo 4: My baby, sweet baby, I love you.
(p.s. find the song "Little Baby" by Hunters Revenge from Yo Gabba Gabba- so cute!)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

5 Minute craft fix

After I put the babe to bed last night I did allow myself a little crafting time. (The laundry pile is still calling me from the bedroom...) A while ago I made a little dangly for J's car seat-last night I made a second one. I love that he likes them.

A mushroom to join hoot

Here's a little tutorial, as promised...

I've had this on my mind for a while now. Like months, actually... ever since I started making things for the nursery. I really wanted to do some screen printing, but this is as close as I could get.

You need:

-5 mins
-embroidery hoop
-wax paper
-writing utensil
-an iron
-fabric paint
-brush/paper towel (something to get the paint on)

Pretty self-explanatory but here goes... First, cut a square of fabric and a square of wax paper to fit the embroidery hoop. Once you've chosen your animal (or anything, really) to use, trace it onto the non-waxy side of the wax paper and cut it out. (Keep in mind that you're using the outside of the cut-out...) Next, place the wax paper stencil, waxy side down, on the fabric and iron it until the paper sticks to the fabric.

Paint over the stencil until the fabric area is covered. Let the paint dry a bit (if you're impatient like I am... use a hair dryer...) then carefully peel the paper from the fabric. Secure the fabric in the hoop and trim the edges. Add some embellishments if you desire, or leave it simple... Quick craft fix, complete!