Monday, August 29, 2011

Photography Update | Holly Hamrick of Amy Gentry Photography

Over the weekend I got to shoot some engagement photos for a dear friend and her sweet little family (to be) and I cannot wait to be a part of their big day this coming weekend! (Yep, they're getting hitched on my birthday. I'll never forget their anniversary! haha) Here is a little peek from the beautiful shoot.

Aren't they so cute together <3

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


We're still feeling pretty not great around here. We've been taking a lot of long naps and just hanging out around the house. Today we did venture out to the playground for just a few minutes before going to the grocery store but even that didn't make us feel a lot better. Jules seemed to feel a little queezy just from swinging but the fresh air was nice. I noticed this evening that it's already starting to smell like cooler weather outside. Seems like summer's just began but it's nearly over. Fall is just around the corner... then winter... which of course means more naps...

Wednesday, August 17, 2011


My poor babe has had a rough few days. He was having a hard enough time with the 4 molars he's got coming in, but now on top of that he's got a sad little cough, runny nose and he just flat out doesn't feel well. He's been pretty pitiful and it's been pretty much breaking my heart. I also have a nice runny nose and can't stop sneezing and Andrew is under the weather too. I swear it's the air around here as this all started not even 2 days after we got back from vacation. Stinks. I want to move so badly.

Today wasn't so bad, though... Check out the latest shoot at AGP. We also played outside and I upcycled a sweet shirt for J.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Home from the beach and our first day home was almost more of a vacation than the vacation! Poor Julien has 4 molars coming through and he had a high fever and didn't sleep at all before we drove home. He was so pitiful all the way home. I think he only smile 3 times all day. When he laughed, he cried because it hurt. So sad... but I'm glad he didn't feel that bad all week.

But we made it. It felt so good to sleep in my own bed and today he slept in until noon (& so did Momma) and when we woke up Daddy had pancakes, bacon and eggs waiting for us.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Vacation 2011

A few weeks ago my dad asked if we wanted to accompany them to the beach. Well, OBVIOUSLY! but I didn't see it happening since it was so close, we had other things going on and three weeks didn't really seem like enough time to figure finances and everything else out... but it all worked out perfectly and we are having so much fun here at Ocean Isle, NC! Julien is loving every minute and is being his usual happy self and the week is only half over. We've done a lot already and tonight we went fishing off our dock and I caught a crab!

I think Julien likes the pool best...

Friday, August 5, 2011


Man, have the past two weeks flown by! Between photo shoots and my high school BFF getting married I haven't had a chance to even breathe! It's been a good time, but I cannot wait until I am digging my toes into the sand on Sunday. (more like chasing my one year old away from the ocean... I'll take it...)

Tomorrow is the big day, but we've already celebrated with the bachelorette party and rehearsal dinner so here is a picture of the Hubs and I before dinner...

We ate at Austyn's downtown and it was SUPERB. We haven't eaten there in ages and it was far better than I ever remember. The 3 glasses of wine that I got to enjoy may have helped... but it was awesome... and with such good company it was a great time. 

So, until I find time to update again... 
Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple <3

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Sheppard's | Family

I cannot tell you how excited I was about this shoot. I mean really, is this family not a photographer's dream? Since I started seeing pictures of Miss M she's been at the top of my "cutest little girl" list and it definitely shows in every picture of her! 

The rest will be up on the photo page soon...