Wednesday, March 14, 2012


We've been taking a lot of walks in this beautiful weather. Yesterday I took my camera along and had a mini shoot with the boys as we walked.

He's so rad...

Our walks always include the ducks. Jules LOVES animals. Especially horses and ducks...

Thursday, March 8, 2012


This old locket was my mom's. She gave it to me a while ago and I've planned on getting photos to put in it but haven't gotten around to it. A couple days ago I finally took the time to make a little collage of photos to have printed for it but while I was working on it I had the idea to put scrapbook paper in it. It was one of those "why didn't I think of this sooner" things and I kind of like the way it looks now so I think I'll leave it this way until I get tired of it...

Super easy, super cute!