Monday, September 20, 2010

What's in my (diaper) bag?

And these are a few of my favorite things...!

I love seeing what's in everyone's bag. Maybe I'm nosy, but I think it's okay as long as I join in for all the other nosy people...

Here goes:
-Changing pad
-Sassy Saks (with baking soda)
-Diaper rags/burp clothes
-Hand Sanitizer
-Gripe Water (could not live without this!)
-Hyland's Teething Tablets
-Aquaphor Ointment
-Baby Tylenol
-Vitamin D
-Avent Bottle
-Formula Separator
-Tender Moments Baby Butt Balm
-Little gnome Pacifier Clip
-Change of clothes (Leg Warmers! I can't seem to find a site for the maker)
-Sophie (He LOVES Sophie. She's expensive, but worth it.)
-Vintage wooden teether (was at least mine, if not my moms!)
-At least one Momma made toy (Delores Turtle)
-A blanket
-Book for J
-Book for Momma
-Date book

More or less...

Papa got tired of carrying my bag so he got his own...

He adds:

-A cool dude handmade hat
-A different Momma made toy (Roland Bunny)
-Comic Books
-Game Boy Micro or DS

I've been searching for a vintage thermos, but haven't found one yet. I need something to keep water in. I can never seem to find a water bottle when I need one and the only reusable one I have is pink... So, the search continues...

I also want one of these beauties. Too girly for my handsome man? Maybe... plus I haven't been able to convince myself I want it '$25 bad'.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

We're still here..

...we haven't gotten lost, honest. We've spent the last couple weeks staying with my great grandmother but tomorrow we're going home! I didn't expect to miss home so badly and I didn't realize I had so many little routine things through the day to miss. Tomorrow night I'll be sleeping in my own bed.