Monday, September 20, 2010

What's in my (diaper) bag?

And these are a few of my favorite things...!

I love seeing what's in everyone's bag. Maybe I'm nosy, but I think it's okay as long as I join in for all the other nosy people...

Here goes:
-Changing pad
-Sassy Saks (with baking soda)
-Diaper rags/burp clothes
-Hand Sanitizer
-Gripe Water (could not live without this!)
-Hyland's Teething Tablets
-Aquaphor Ointment
-Baby Tylenol
-Vitamin D
-Avent Bottle
-Formula Separator
-Tender Moments Baby Butt Balm
-Little gnome Pacifier Clip
-Change of clothes (Leg Warmers! I can't seem to find a site for the maker)
-Sophie (He LOVES Sophie. She's expensive, but worth it.)
-Vintage wooden teether (was at least mine, if not my moms!)
-At least one Momma made toy (Delores Turtle)
-A blanket
-Book for J
-Book for Momma
-Date book

More or less...

Papa got tired of carrying my bag so he got his own...

He adds:

-A cool dude handmade hat
-A different Momma made toy (Roland Bunny)
-Comic Books
-Game Boy Micro or DS

I've been searching for a vintage thermos, but haven't found one yet. I need something to keep water in. I can never seem to find a water bottle when I need one and the only reusable one I have is pink... So, the search continues...

I also want one of these beauties. Too girly for my handsome man? Maybe... plus I haven't been able to convince myself I want it '$25 bad'.


  1. So organized! I love everything in your bag, great picks. I never do these because sadly most of the picture would be filled with receipts and loose baby socks :) i just bought henry a sophie a few weeks ago and he could care less at first (i was SO mad- she's expensive!) decided to keep her though and now he's slowly warming up to the idea of having her around. mom WIN!

    thanks for leaving such a sweet comment on my post, it's always nice when anonymous readers make themselves known...because then i can read their wonderful blogs!

    sometimes urban outfitters sells pretty cool, vintage looking thermoses...might be worth looking into!

  2. Haha, don't let the photo fool you... it's all organized here but after I have to take one thing out of the bag it's a disaster!
