Monday, November 5, 2012

May Baby

The secret's out! Baby Hamrick is due May 23. We're all very excited. It is ridiculously adorable when Julien talks about the baby and so far he has insisted it's a girl/sister. As far as pregnancy goes, I've had a few differences with this one... I've been way more emotional. I get easily upset and sad or mad over nothing. With Julien I had a hard time eating anything without getting sick, this time I've felt pretty sick no matter what but worse if I don't eat constantly (but can hardly eat anything at a meal). I'm already feeling bad for how much I dislike being pregnant. I love the babies, but pregnancy just does not agree with my body... I'm feeling like the next several months are going to be very long. Fortunately Andrew had been absolutely wonderful and I have gotten lots of naps which does usually make me feel better temporarily.  

I did this little weekly questionnaire with Julien and like being able to look back and remember these things so I'm going to do it again.

How far along? 11 weeks 4 days
Total weight gain/loss: I've already gained. I started showing very quickly this time.
Maternity clothes? I've needed them for a few weeks already but have been wearing my pants unbuttoned because I haven't had a chance to get any.
Best moment this week: I started feeling little flutters this week and the first time was when Julien had has hand resting on my belly. Cute.
Movement: A little
Food cravings: Not a lot. Skittles.
Gender: Obviously we will be just as happy with a boy but I think we're all hoping for a girl. I am mainly hoping for a girl because I don't think I can handle being pregnant again!
Labor Signs: none
Belly Button in or out? in
What I miss: Being able to eat a regular meal and not feeling sick constantly
What I am looking forward to: May
Weekly Wisdom:
Milestones: We had our first officially Dr. appointment last week.