Saturday, November 20, 2010


...will I attempt a wreath like this. Haha It seriously took me 3 days.

But it's done! And I'll admit, it's pretty cute...

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Christmas crafts, already?

Yes. Already. I've been admiring Rachel's (@ smileandwave ) wreaths since I started reading her blog so I decided to make one this year. I'm thinking it was less of a great idea than I thought. It's a lot of stinkin' work! Seriously, who would have thought wrapping yarn around foam could take so long and be so tiring.... Maybe I'm just lacking patience this evening. It'll probably be cute when I'm done... That is- if I finish it.

I think I have some Christmas buttons that I got on clearance a couple years ago somewhere. I should find them...

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Crafty Birthday Things

I get so frustrated with my camera strap because it's so short. I looked and looked for one on ETSY and found some that I loved, but none of them were any longer. So, I decided to make one myself. This one I made for my step-mom for her bday. She loves leopard. It's the carpet in our studio. And she loves that yellowish mustard color, so she got a strap that matches our studio and I made her a knee pad with the left over material. I think these are one of my favorite things I've made. Now I'm excited to make my own- if I ever find the time.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanks, Ben

November is full of birthdays, trips and of course food for us. I've been working on some birthday crafting (pictures later) and trying to help my mother-in-law get her house in order (vintage stuff for meee! also pictures to come...) so her boyfriend can move in.

On top of everything else the little stinker has been sleeping so horribly since Daylight Savings. I don't think it's because of it, maybe more likely teething... but still... He's slept a total of about 2 hours since 7:30 this morning. He usually takes 3 or 4 2 or so hour naps a day! Plus he's been waking up at like 6 instead of 8:30-9 since then. I'm still waiting on that extra hour I was promised. Thanks for nothing, Ben Franklin... thanks for nothing.