Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thanks, Ben

November is full of birthdays, trips and of course food for us. I've been working on some birthday crafting (pictures later) and trying to help my mother-in-law get her house in order (vintage stuff for meee! also pictures to come...) so her boyfriend can move in.

On top of everything else the little stinker has been sleeping so horribly since Daylight Savings. I don't think it's because of it, maybe more likely teething... but still... He's slept a total of about 2 hours since 7:30 this morning. He usually takes 3 or 4 2 or so hour naps a day! Plus he's been waking up at like 6 instead of 8:30-9 since then. I'm still waiting on that extra hour I was promised. Thanks for nothing, Ben Franklin... thanks for nothing.

1 comment:

  1. thank you so much for your sweet comment the other day! henry started sleeping so bad after the time change too..i think he's just now getting back on track blahhhh.
