Thursday, July 29, 2010

Etsy love

Some dear friends of mine were recently married and I have been searching for the perfect gift for them. After much searching, I decided on this print...

...only in red. I know the red will match their living room and I think they will love it. Now just to wait for it's arrival and track down the perfect frame...

( print purchased from THIS Etsy shop )

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Retro Comfy

Over the weekend we went to some yard sales for the first time in a couple months. I've been wanting a good chair for our room that can be moved to the nursery when the babe is. This one seemed pretty perfect when we came across it.

I'm still feeling good about it. It just happens to be my favorite color, and not only does it rock, it spins, too! $20 well spent...

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Four weeks

Baby J is 4 whole weeks old today! I cannot believe how quickly time has gone! This has definitely been the fastest month of my life!

Just when I think I cannot love this child more, I do. Every time I look at him I love him more.

I know every momma has the perfect baby... But He's so smart! He's already rolled over, he smiles, he's so alert. I love every second. And trust me, many-a-second have been spent just staring at him. And he's so good! He's been sleeping through the night and he really never cries unless he needs something. Gosh, I just love him...

Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Through most of my pregnancy I wasn't feeling up to nesting... I think I'm making up for it now. Today I completely cleaned the bedroom AND cleaned out the closet. Quite a large task. Especially when working during naps. Next on the agenda- the rest of the loft. I need to have a big yard sale soon... Who wants oodles of craft/sewing materials??

(The project on the sewing machine - decorations that were sent to Texas for a little princess' first birthday party.)