Sunday, March 28, 2010

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: 3 pounds
Maternity clothes? I got a pretty dress for my baby shower. I can't wait to wear it!
Best moment this week: We went to Columbus and got some decorations for the nursery. I'm excited about the theme and things we've picked. And the weather is getting nicer!
Movement: wiggle worm.
Food cravings: not really anything...
Gender: Definitely boy!
Labor Signs: Not yet, thankfully!
Belly Button in or out? I don't think it's going to come out, but it almost looks normal...
What I miss: just feeling normal, really. not having such bad allergies.
What I am looking forward to: decorating and getting cool things to eventually go in the nursery.
Weekly Wisdom: I hate blood work.
Milestones: Had my glucose test this week. The drink was pretty gross and I have giving blood, but it wasn't horrible. I had myself a lot more worried than I needed to be.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

25 weeks

How far along? 25 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: about 3
Maternity clothes? just the jeans, hopefully wont have to get much else.
Best moment this week: Nothing too exciting this week. We took a class to get our gun permits. I thought the noise would scare you but you were just fine all day. I looked pretty silly, though.
Movement: pretty wiggly.
Food cravings: not really anything...
Gender: Definitely boy!
Labor Signs: Not yet, thankfully!
Belly Button in or out? I don't think it's going to come out, but it almost looks normal...
What I miss: Not being uncomfortable constantly.
What I am looking forward to: Mainly your arrival.
Weekly Wisdom: The big belly can really throw you off balance.
Milestones: The Dr. said we're right on schedule this week.

(photo courtesy of Hub)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Etsy love

I've had my eye on this for quite a while. It was something I knew I was going to have to have if baby were to be a boy... and since he is definitely boy, I finally purchased it.

Fig leaf pee pee-teepee! Absolutely cracks me up. Hopefully it'll help keep me from getting peed on. I guess we'll see!

( Teepee purchased at THIS Etsy shop )

Monday, March 15, 2010

Someone's in the kitchen...

I thought I would share a little of my home, so here's a little peak at my (usually messier than I'd like) little kitchen

Sunday, March 14, 2010

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: still about 2 pounds
Maternity clothes? just the jeans, hopefully wont have to get much else.
Best moment this week: Daddy put together the pack-n-play. He has a place to sleep right next to momma and I can't wait.
Movement: pretty wiggly, it's starting to get stronger and stronger.
Food cravings: not really anything...
Gender: Definitely boy!
Labor Signs: Not yet, thankfully!
Belly Button in or out? I don't think it's going to come out, but it almost looks normal...
What I miss: just feeling normal, really. not having such bad allergies.
What I am looking forward to: still baby showers! Knowing what I can buy and getting everything organized.
Weekly Wisdom: It is not easy to work while you're pregnant.
Milestones: feeling like he's really coming now that we've got some things out around the house.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Goodwill Find

For some reason it's been quite a long time since I've found anything I HAD to have at Goodwill. I usually see something I'd like to have but don't want to pay for or don't have room for... A's kind of been having to drag me in lately. Today, I'm very glad he did because I not only found one thing I had to have, I found TWO things I HAD to have!

I believe the dishes are Melamine. I'm not positive, but I have a set of blue ones that are similar. Someday I will have a tea party just so I can use them. The owl is part of a set of five. Four small ones, I think they're coaters and the large one I think is for a pitcher. Whatever their purpose, they are cute in my kitchen!

Monday, March 8, 2010

A Birthday Surprise

Ok, I think it's safe to share this now. I've been making dolls for a long time, but I saw this pattern on Martha Stewart sometime last year and really liked it. The pattern was created by Inside A Black Apple's Emily.

I've made a couple changes, as I'm sure you will when you try it out yourself. Make her your own! Once you pick your fabrics and get all the pieces cut out it takes no time at all. For me, she made a perfect gift for a sweet one year old's birthday.

The pattern can be found here.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks 6 days
Total weight gain/loss: I think I've gained 2 pounds now
Maternity clothes? finally got a pair of jeans!
Best moment this week: Auntie Katelyn sent the cutest Dr. Seuss onesie! and we got some other good stuff this week.
Movement: less often now, I think he changed his position, but when he does move he makes my entire stomach do the wave!
Food cravings: not really anything, but it's really nice to be able to eat normally again.
Gender: Definitely boy!
Labor Signs: Not really, but I think I may be starting to have Braxton Hicks.
Belly Button in or out? I don't think it's going to come out, but it almost looks normal...
What I miss: Being able to take my acid reflux prescription!
What I am looking forward to: definitely baby showers! and buying all his goodies.
Weekly Wisdom: dairy does not always do the trick!
Milestones: Grandma gave my early baby shower money, so I ordered the pack'n play!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A Little Peek

Just so excited about this, I though I'd share a little peek. The pattern and details will have to wait a while, though. It's a little surprise for a little pretty one.