Saturday, April 21, 2012

In Instagrams

We've been moved out for a couple weeks now but we still haven't found a new place. We're kind of in limbo I guess, but we're making the best of it... and instagraming the good parts! I am not ashamed about the fact that I was overly excited about Instagram coming to Andriod. (finally!) It's no secret that I really enjoy taking and having photos... Instagram definitely will not replace my camera, but it's nice to be able to quickly snap 'in the moment' shots that I would miss if I had to get my camera out, which I've done with my phone anyway... but I love all the companies that have taken advantage of the Instagram craze and made products to use them with. I don't know but I do enjoy a good trend... :)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Fools!

I'm still waiting for someone to say "April Fools!" but I know it's not coming. We haven't told many people but we're in the process of moving. The place we found was large but a 1 bedroom. Tons of character, wood floors, high ceilings and I have been so excited about it. We've spent the last week cleaning and packing and yesterday we took our first official load of stuff. Today we had planned on finishing cleaning and taking another load but this morning Andrew managed to get a pretty gnarly gash on his finger that I'm pretty sure should have had stitches and in trying to bandage him up I got a good look at the blood and got super sick from it (Having a weak stomach is the worst thing ever.) so we ended up not getting much accomplished. And since you're wondering Andrew's manly moving cut was from a potato soup making accident. This evening Andrew's mom call to ask if we'd seen the news, and informed us that the house we've been getting ready to move in to had been the scene of a shooting. There was a birthday party going on in the yard last night when we were moving stuff in and apparently it got out of hand because there was some sort of altercation that resulted in some guy unloading a shot gun but not one was hurt and we are definitely not moving in now so I guess we'll see about finding another place... 

I'd be so happy if I woke up now and this day hadn't happened yet but I'm not holding out for that. Happy April, Ya'll! Hope your day wasn't as big of a joke as mine!