Friday, September 23, 2011

Mom stuff...

Julien is kind of a ridiculous kid. He's done everything super early. When he was really little and doing things really early it made me a little sad because I felt like I was missing out on having a little blob of baby that was really just a little blob of baby and perfectly content to just 'be'. Julien has never been like that.... and I've found that other people don't really understand it. Maybe it's just because they aren't around him 24/7 like I am but in his short little life I've put up with a lot of "just let him be a baby" and "he can't do that yet" type of comments. Well, yes, he can do that and I am not forcing him to do anything. I have always just gone off of his cues of when he was ready to do something. Some people act like I'm a bad mom because of the things Julien has done early, but what I can't understand is why anyone would think it would be good to keep their kids from doing things (like walking or using the potty) just because they're doing it earlier than average... I don't ever want to hold my kids back from accomplishing anything that they think they can do. And I hope that no matter what it is (as long as it's not dangerous or whatever... obviously...) I hope that I am open minded enough to help and support them.

All that ramble ranting aside, Jules (who is not bow-legged from walking at 9 months) discovered his boy parts a few weeks ago. Shortly after that he started doing the whole "hide when I poop in my diaper" thing so we got him a little potty. He's doing awesome! We don't pressure him to use it and he we are no where near potty trained... but if we think he needs to go and put him on the potty most of the time he goes in it. Then of course we sing silly potty songs and give him stickers and shower him with positive reinforcement. We're just hoping that by the time he really understands he'll want to use the potty and the actual potty training will be really easy. For the last week he's peed in the potty at least once a day (sometimes more) and I think he's awesome. :)

A couple things I don't want to forget... He's decided that it's hilarious to put his pacifier in your mouth if you're singing to him. And a few days ago he informed me "cow say's moooo" and it was the cutest thing ever...

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