Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Friday Jules and I decided to head to the playground. Our usual playground was overrun with playgroup moms so we headed to the only playground in town that we've never been to and it was a total hit! 

It rained a bit while we were there but we managed to get through the day without any problems. By evening the sky was getting dark. Andrew got home from work with minutes to spare. The winds picked up and before it even started raining our electricity was out and then the rain came.

Torrential downpour of sheets and sheets of rain and just as quickly as it came on it was over. After a few hours in our smoldering house we decided to take a drive. We had no idea that the storm was so bad until we started driving. Our electricity went out before everyone else's because a tree had fallen on a moving car, taking the power line down with it. There were trees, power lines and almost anything movable blown all over the place. We drove around town, shocked by the aftermath and later found out that we were in a state of emergency and shouldn't have been driving. (oops..)

That was a couple hot nights. And the next day was even hotter, but despite all the craziness going on, it was one of the best days we'd had in a while. We spent time with family, cooked out and spent some time in the car, enjoying the AC. The news stations projected 5-7 days without power, which sent everyone into a panic. There were miles of cars trying to get to Walmart. We nixed that idea quick...

Thankfully we were only without power for a little over a day. There are many still without power, including the in-laws so we've had one of Andrew's sisters staying with us. We've enjoyed having her here. Julien absolutely loves it and I really like being able to use the bathroom alone! (and having her here, too... ) 

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